“The Greatest Thing You’ll Ever Learn”
36” x 22” x 14”, Wood, Wire, Glue, Oil on Canvas, #598, 2020

“ice upon a deep ocean”
48” x 36”, Oil on Canvas over Wood Panel, #597, 2020

“the shear idea of it”
48” x 36”, Oil on Canvas over Wood Panel, #596, 2020

“terrible, vengeful and merciless”
48” x 36”, Oil on Canvas over Wood Panel, #595, 2020

“there are depths and depths despite that”
69” x 60”, oil on Canvas over Wood Panel. #594, 2020

“the circumstances of ones existence”
69” x 60”, oil on Canvas over Wood Panel. #593, 2020

“You are what you eat”
48” x 36”, Oil on Canvas over Wood Panel, #592, 2020

“inexplicably and involuntarily”
69” x 60”, oil on Canvas over Wood Panel. #591, 2020

“a flood after years of famine”
69” x 60”, oil on Canvas over Wood Panel. #589, 2020

“all warfare is deception”
48” x 36”, Oil on Canvas over Wood Panel, #590, 2020