What is the possibility of paralleling a weblog in this location?
Quoting text:
Quote test: “We’ve gotten to this place where we like to pretend that reality doesn’t exist.”
Bullet List:
In Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, Virgil (the embodiment of Reason) could only lead him part of the way through the levels of Hell.. It was Beatrice (the embodiment of Love), that could lead him through and out of Hell.
Sheer faith is a kind of force majeure, a veritable deus ex machina. In Dostoevsky’s “Brothers Karamaszov”, the Grand Inquisitor section, Christ replies only with a kiss. In <a href=“http://www.dennishollingsworth.us/archives/003349.html”>Milton’s “Paradise Lost”</a>, Satan takes center stage, the art of language is in its’ full glory… but Heaven presented as a world without text. In Milton’s heaven*, there are no similes, only repetitions, statements, only synonyms, Intensely repetitive. Milton’s heaven is not about figural language, metaphor, or simile. Heaven is described only by stating what things are, never explained.
Bolding now
Indenting now: The great aspect of Dostoevsky was his ability to field the strong man in his writing , specifically the psychology of the narcissist. In my first read of the Notes from the Underground, it was painful to delve into the psyche of narcissism. After too many encounters with narcissists in my life, and it took several, I had reread this book in particular with keen interest. Wha tI had never liked in the writings of Nietzsche was what I later came to recognize as a stamp of narcissism, a one dimensional Darwinian inflected overconfidence that is one step away from catastrophic blunder. But after listening to Cooper’s podcast, I see the all too frail humanity underlying Nietzsche’s Zarathustra and I feel compassion for him.
Test text resume..
No space paragraph quoting:
The Revolutionary ultimately seeks to end the pain of change by forcing the Eschaton into existence… “…what difference does it make if one or a hundred or a thousand or a million or a hundred million die if in exchange we arrive at a heaven on earth?”